Wednesday 23 February 2022

Elf Riflemen

A couple of years back, I made a small warband of "cyberpunk elves". They were largely based around Privateer Press models that I got in a random job lot, with Eldar and Dark Eldar bits. They were a lot of fun to make, and I really liked the style of them. They looked like this:

Recently, I saw that someone was selling a load of Privateer Press elves on ebay. The elves belong to a faction of the game Warmachine, called the Retribution of Scyrah, and seem to be obnoxious fanatical types, as most elves are these days. Anyhow, some of the models are really weird (the big robots are particularly bizarre-looking, and definitely not to my tastes) but some of the infantry are quite cool. The sculpting is a strange mix of classic fantasy, sci-fi and Napoleonic uniforms.

Anyhow, I bought a load of the models off ebay and got to painting them. I decided to do them in a scheme following the mercenaries, using black, light blue and green as the main colours. I think that gives them a nice mixture of lighter, natural "elf" colours and military colours. Like the mercenaries, they're based on bases from the Sedition Wars game. Here are the first five.


  1. I didn't know of these minis, and they do have a distinctive style, I like them! The colour scheme works perfectly, well done!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cheers guys! They're quite odd models, but I rather like them (although there's a lot of Privateer Press stuff that I don't like). I've no interest in ever playing Warmachine, but the models would be quite good for a skirmish game.

  4. Really like the colors you have going on here! It's a really great looking squad, and these are some excellent additions.
