Sunday, 26 January 2025

Mechanics, hackers and a robot

 Well, I've just got back from the local gaming shop, and I'm surprised and slightly impressed to say that I didn't buy anything. Nothing really appealed. It's actually pretty hard to buy anything at all for less than £25 in a gaming shop. Some GW models are pretty cool and would be fun to make - the Kroot rampagers are appealing, as are the Adeptus Mechanicus Serberys raiders - but I'd only want to make one, and I'm not up for forking out for a squad of three. I wish the metal North Star models were sold more widely. 

Anyhow, here are some more miniatures that I painted this week. More space weirdos!

These first models are metal mechanics from Warmachine's Khador faction. Old Warmachine models are pretty variable, and many are downright ropey, but I really like these sculpts. They've got lots of character and great details.

These two scrawnier specimens are cyberpunk types. The lady is an unconverted metal miniature, probably quite old. I don't know the manufacturer. The man is based on a plastic zombie body (I'm not sure who makes it) with Stargrave arms and head.

These two are even more random. The bionic swordsman uses an English Civil War body, a 40k head, and Frostgrave demon arms. The robot is a 3D print that I got in a set of models. He's quite silly, but he was surprisingly easy to paint, and he will be a good match for the female robot that I painted a couple of months ago.


  1. Loving the additions to your collection. The Khador dudes look perfect for a frontier settlement as seen in classic Rogue Trader. Also loving the conversions.

    What's your experience of 3d sculpts been like? I've found myself tempted to pick up some for a while but am a bit unsure as to the sturdiness of the material.

    1. Thanks - I've always really liked those Khador guys.

      I've not used many 3D prints, but generally speaking they seem to be okay (just don't drop them on the floor!). However I find that the scale of the models varies enormously. I'd only feel happy getting robots and monsters 3D printed, as the human models seem to vary so much, and it's hard to be sure how each supplier is printing them.

  2. I find your work on these quite enjoyable. While the Warmachines guys are pretty nice per se, I think it's the conversion work what looks more appealing. Every ECW conversion you do is even better!!

    1. Thanks! I must admit that I love converting, and I could just make endless "little space people". Sadly I'm running out of ECW soldiers, but I did just find a very mucked-up ogre that could do with some bionics...
