Monday 7 March 2022

Elf Heavy Weapon and Standard Bearer

 Here are a few of the vaguely cyberpunk-ish eldar. This week, I painted a heavy weapon team, a couple more troopers, and a standard bearer. They're all Privateer Press, and unconverted.

The gun team is (are?) a cool model, but unfortunately I lost one of the spotter's legs, and had to sculpt a new one from plastic and green stuff. It's not perfect but it will do. 

And here are the soldiers. As ever, the photos are very washed out, and the shading has hardly come up at all. 

Here's a group photo. By complete chance, I think this is the best picture of the lot.


  1. Cool, as the previous installments. Hadn't you told about the missing leg, I wouldn't have noticed! So fantastic work, I have to say :)

  2. My buddy was talking about Prepping some Warmachine models this week. My first thought was "nope don't like that style". My second was "Well, there are those elves Toby is working on... "

    They look great as a unit. Still a huge fan of the color choses here!
