Saturday, 17 June 2023

Eldar Ambassador

 So, I've not been very well this week. Nothing serious, but I've been feeling rough and taking it very easy. I've been tinkering with some old Chaos models that I made for Mordheim; tidying up the painting and so on. 

I also painted - very slowly - a model that I bought ages ago. It's a Warmachine model called Lady Aiyanna, who seems to be an unarmed elf. I was thinking a while ago about civilian Eldar, and what they might look like. 

I didn't convert this model - I wouldn't have known where to start, to be honest, and she looked fine anyhow. I wanted her to look elegant, and I tried to use what I think of as "Moebius colours": fades from green to blue, pale blues and beige to pink. She seems to be wearing suspenders (classy!) so I gave her a blue undersuit so that it didn't look as if she'd turned up in her underwear.

It was about this point I realised that I was painting her with the same colours that I'd used for the other Eldar. So, what the heck, I painted her cloak with the same red-to-yellow colour fade that I'd used on a few machines, using tiger stripes to hide my ropey blending. 

Back in the old days, before IQs dropped in the galaxy and everyone just mindlessly hated each other, the Imperium had ambassadors to some of the Eldar craftworlds (at least they did in the 3rd ed Codex). Even Necromunda had a special tower where visiting alien dignitaries stopped. So I reckon this lady is an ambassador from Craftworld Zandros to some other species, where she can promote diplomatic relations in very short words and tell the non-Eldar how they're doing everything wrong. 


  1. Beautiful mini, well spotted! I was to praise your work judging just the first pic, but then I saw the second one and the design on the cloak and oh, man, that's something! Splendid paintjob!!

    1. Thanks! I've been meaning to paint this model for ages!
