Friday, 2 June 2023

Another Big Bug

 I've been back on the old tyranids again. I dug up a truly awful lictor conversion that I made about 15 years ago, took it apart and stripped it, and found that it was based on a metal tyranid warrior model. These things are fairly rare, and to the best of my knowledge only one of this particular sort was ever made: a warrior with two boneswords. A bit like this guy:

(That's not my favourite bit of old tyranid art, by the way. My favourite is of a warrior bursting out of the hive, while Imperial Guardsmen throw themselves out of the way. I've not seen it for years, and if you know what it is, let me know. I also liked the "ork freebooters v tyranid warriors" picture that was on a cover of an ancient White Dwarf.)

Whilst trawling the internet for classic tyranids, I found this picture by someone called Arne of Android Arts. It's slightly altered from the plastic models, but it shows how this style of warrior could have been made to look cool with more modern sculpting.

Anyway, back to my guy. The model I had was missing part of its arm, and some fool (me) had cut the front of its mouth away. I built it a new mouth with plasticard and green stuff.

As with the hive tyrant, pretty much every limb had to be pinned and green-stuffed, and even then it was a bit flimsy and awkward. Then I painted it, using contrast paint for the basic red, but shading up and using other colours as normal.



  1. Gorgeous work! Ohh, I had a Tyranid force back in the day, I wish I had kept it! I love what you did here. I'm not sure if I can ID the art you talk about, but I can recall some nice pieces by Paul Bonner and specially Adrian Smith from those times. I'm curious about this artist you talk about, I'll google about this new art, thanks for sharing!

    1. Cheers Suber! I did have a look for them, but only found a picture by Adrian Smith that was so gory GW didn't use it! It's nice to go back to these models, which I'd written off a while ago, and give them another go.

  2. The bone swords were some of my favorite weapons. Alien yet familiar. I love this model so much! Makes me want to paint more tyranids. Well any outside genestealers I should say.

    1. The old tyranids really rocked. As you say, they were weird but familiar. I think you ought to paint more tyranids. Everyone should!
