Sunday 5 May 2024

More Genestealer Hybrids

 First up, thanks very much to everyone who commented on the last post. There were some really useful suggestions. I've been watching some of the videos of Tabletop Minions, which is well worth a look. I was interested when the presenter pointed out that practice has made him not so much better as a painter but faster. I have exactly the same experience.

Anyway, I'll look into the various tips for photography I've received as well, and hopefully my pictures will improve!


In the meantime, I've been painting some more genestealer hybrids. I don't intend to make a large force of these, but they're enjoyable to paint and the metal models are really good. They're full of details: their armour reminds me of the House Harkonnen armour in the 1984 film of Dune, and they're carrying lots of odd techy gadgets that look really cool. As Games Workshop models go, they're quite cyberpunk.

Here are two more humanoid hybrids. The guy on the left has arms from the Stargrave Scavengers kit, which is the right scale and suitably battered. The chap on the right has a metal autogun from Necromunda. I really like his face, which is extremely detailed and has an expression as if he's just heard some really good news.

Here is a rear view. You can see the odd computer-type machines they're carrying on their backs. Happy-face man has an extra arm clad in some kind of futuristic armour, held down by his side. It's a really nice touch.

These two are somewhat less human. The person on the right is a one-piece metal model. It occurs to me that this might be a female hybrid, as it's smaller and seems to be wearing a skirt. The one on the right has very old plastic Imperial Guard arms and a Stargrave gun that I trimmed down to fit.

And here is something of a rarity. It's an old genestealer/ork hybrid, made in metal. It's in the old blue Citadel catalogue, under "Freebooters". It actually looks quite a bit like the later style of ork, with a face like a mantrap. It's a really cool miniature, and gets the balance between being ridiculous and scary just right.

Finally, here's a group photo. Ever since the original Genestealer Cult army list appeared in White Dwarf, together with limousines, I've always thought that there was something rather gangster about the GSC: less of an army than a weird street gang. They look low and scummy, which feels about right!


  1. Awesome stuff. Those classic hybrids are wonderful models and you did them a lot of justice. I like the way the green jumpsuits tie the humanoid models and the greenskin hybrids together. One question remains: Is there a limousine planned for the future?

    1. Thanks! I don't really do any modern real-world armies, so that green is my default "modern uniform" colour. I do like the way this little group is coming together. I actually have a limo for the cult! It's an armoured car from the Spanish Civil War that I bought ages ago. I might give it a bit of a repaint now.

  2. Some of my favorite models ever since I was able to purchase a lot of them at a con decades ago. You've nailed that look you were expressing: a weird street gang! Love the colors; and that metal ork hybrid is the absolute best! The pin stripes are the icing on top! Love them all!

    1. Well done getting hold of some - they're quite expensive online. I'm glad to have got the look of them right: they feel better suited to a rabble than a formal army. I'm still not 100% sure what bits are their skin and what is their clothing! The pin stripes come from this guy being lumped in with Freebooters (ie pirates) in the blue Citadel catalogue.

  3. Oh, this is pure love! They all look awesome, I love how coherent do they look when together, and that's quite something! Pretty cool job!

    1. Thanks very much! I've nearly reached the end of this little group, and they've been fun to paint.
