Sunday, 15 December 2024

Space Civilians and Big Red Soldiers

 Even more random space people! This time, however, they're not based on Stargrave models. 

I've always liked the idea of making civilians and passers-by, either as objectives for games or just people to have standing around. When models aren't carrying guns, you can have all sorts of interesting poses. Here we've got a weird little alien dude, who started off as a Bolt Action Russian soldier. The soldier had huge boots - I think they had extra insulation - which I removed to make him shorter. He then got arms and a drum from a Perry Miniatures Afghan sprue, and a Stargrave head. I don't know if he's an annoying alien child or some kind of little priest.

The robot (I think of her as Sassbot, owing to her pose) is a Mantic Games Dreadball referee, with a new pointing hand from a WW2 sprue. She's fairly crisp for a Mantic model, and looks pleasingly silly.

Then we've got some soldiers. A few years ago, I quickly painted some baddies for the solo game Hardwired (well worth a look). These are plastic soldiers from Warlord Games' odd sci-fi wargame Beyond the Gates of Antares. It never appealed to me as a game, but it had a few interesting sculpts. I dug them out and tidied up the painting a bit.

Anyhow, these guys have the advantage of being taller and bulkier than humans without looking like Space Marines. Ironically, the colour scheme I gave them reminds me of one of GW's marine chapters: the Blood Ravens or Doom Budgies or something like that. The painting is a bit rough and ready, but they'll make good heavily-armoured villains.

I do have a vague plan with all of these models. I've got the Stargrave rules and a one-player campaign, and I thought that I might have a go at it during the Christmas break. It looks like pretty good fun.


  1. That's nice! I like the soldiers, but the drummer bloke is my favourite. I love how the model tells a story by itself, awaiting to be unfolded!

    1. Thanks! It's funny how random bits sometimes come together!
