Sunday 18 December 2022

Carnevale Noble Lady

The Christmas holiday is approaching, and I've been thinking about a new, small project to go alongside the ongoing Eldar repaint. I dug out some of my unpainted Carnevale figures, and chose an impoverished noble lady (a barnabotti, apparently).

I got this figure free with a copy of Miniature Wargames. She was really enjoyable to paint and much easier than I'd expected: the cloth was actually quite easy to shade. Some of the casting around her gun hand was a bit "soft" but I think I figured it out eventually. I'm not sure if she's pulling her skirt up to make it easier to move, or whether she's just whipped a pistol out from under there, but the fabric is really nicely sculpted and the whole thing was a pleasure to paint. Nice one TT Combat!


  1. Nice job! The vibrant colours suit her indeed. Carnevale has some interesting stuff, but I hadn't seen this one!

    1. Thanks! She was on the cover of the magazine. I don't think she's been officially released. They do have some very cool models. They're big- definitely 32mm and not 28mm.

  2. Love the colors! You did a great job on the cloth!

    1. It was surprisingly easy to paint - the cloth had lots of folds and ridges to catch paint. Thanks though!
