Saturday, 28 January 2017

Actually, You Are A Statistic

As with most wargames, each model in the game is described by a set of statistics that, between them, show what its abilities are. In the interest of keeping the game simple, there are five statistics, or stats, which all models have.

Initiative: the quickness of a model to react. The main use for initiative is to determine when a model can activate. Models with a higher initiative get to move and fight before those of a low initiative. As such, initiative is very important, simply because it enables you to dispose of your opponent before he can dispose of you.

Move: the distance a model can move per turn. Moving counts as one of the two actions a model can make per turn. Charging is a special sort of moving that allows a model to move twice its normal move distance and attack (more about that soon). There are three basic speeds of movement. Slow models move 3” per move and charge 6”. Normal models move 4” and charge 8”. Fast models move 6” and charge 12”.

Fight: the ability of a model to attack and cause injury to other models. This covers both hand to hand combat and shooting. There are three basic levels of skill in fighting: recruit, elite and hero. The stat covers both hitting and doing meaningful damage. Most models will have the same Fight for close combat and shooting. Certain models, such as dogs and other animals, will have no ranged Fight at all.

Wounds: the amount of damage a model can take before it is considered dead, deactivated or otherwise out of the game. The vast majority of models have one wound, so they are removed from the table if they take any damage.

Destiny: the degree to which the model is favoured by chance, fate or the gods, whether manifested through villainy or moral fibre. Only heroes have this stat. Destiny points are used during the course of the game to allow heroes to reroll their own dice or compel the enemy to reroll theirs, in the hope of turning a miss into a hit or vice versa.

And that's it.

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