Sunday, 9 March 2025

Hideous Chaos Terminator Snake Eel Spawn Thing

 I've been dipping into the huge pile of unpainted miniatures this week, and I've started all sorts of random things. I've got another couple of armoured eldar guardians on the go, a couple of fancy space marines of the Shining Knights chapter, and a thug with a shotgun that I can barely identify.

But none of these are finished, so instead let's turn to PLEASURES OF THE FLESH. By which I mean chaos marines, influenced by the sinister god Slaanesh. This week, Games Workshop released new models for the Emperor's Children, the debauched minions of the pleasure god. This reminded me to get on with a miniature that I've had lying about for ages: I had the concept in my mind, found the relevant pieces, and then did nothing. Until now.

I thought it would be cool to make a terminator marine with the lower body of a snake, a sort of hideous fleshy worm-man. It's probably quicker if I do a list of the bits:

Head - chaos spawn

Left arm - fantasy ghoul

Right arm - Space Wolves heavy flamer with a chaos knight shoulder pad

Front body - chaos terminator

Rear body - multi-melta left over from a plastic dreanought

Lower body/tail - tyranid ravener, with a chaos tank part on the end of the tail.

That's most of it. The great advantage with all this is that I didn't need to buy any terminators. Here's the work in progress.

I think "busy" is a fair descruption. Here he is with paint. I cut the spines off his back, to make him look sleeker and less like a tyranid, and added a sort of sock thing to his tail.

I've just realised that I didn't finish off his shoulder pad, so apologies for that. I'm quite tired of painting pink flesh now. He looks as if he could join Gwar.

Here is the delightful snake-creature with his other terminator friends, most of whom include an absolute minimum of terminator parts. I painted them a few years ago, so they're not quite up to my current standards, but together they make a suitably weird and spiky unit. 

Monday, 3 March 2025

When Eldar Guardians Were Good

 For many years - pretty much from the 3rd edition of Warhammer 40,000 to the 9th - eldar guardians were the unit you didn't take. They were basically a citizen levy of comparatively-basic eldar troops, who could be called up to defend their homes. They had poor stats, weak armour and short-ranged weapons (for some insane reason, the shuriken catapults they carried could shoot a pathetic 12 inches). Their only use was to form a human shield around a heavy weapon - which, given that eldar are meant to be rare and their lives valuable, doesn't make a lot of sense.

However, guardians have some nice miniatures. The old metal models are pretty decent, and have been since the days of Rogue Trader, when they had individual names like Smellibreth Strongwind (I made that one up). Some of my favourite guardians came slightly later, and wore bulkier armour and large helmets. They tend to be referred to as "proto-dire avengers" and were sculpted by the great Jes Goodwin.

I really like these guys: they get the balance between sleekness and bulk just right, and look like tough customers who might have a bit more experience than regular guardians. They're well-equipped, and their armour reminds me of the armour that the Sisters of Battle now have (without the corsets). I had some of these guys lying around and painted them up.

There aren't many proto-dire avenger sculpts. I happened to have one model who was missing an arm and a head, and so I gave him a dark eldar head and an arm (and staff) from a high elf mage. This was quite fiddly, but I like the way it came out. He looks as if he's signalling with it.

I painted these guys in the standard colours that I've used for Craftworld Zandros, using spot colours to tie them into the other "regular army" units. 

And here are three more, sporting amazing hats and hairstyles. I wonder how the guy with the mohican gets his helmet on?

Here they are as a unit. That's almost all the models ever released in this style, but I really like them, and they look cool together.

Monday, 24 February 2025

It's not Ripley, honestly

 Once again, I've gone back to finishing off some of the huge pile of random models that I've accumulated over the years.

First up, here's an entirely original space explorer, made with Frostgrave female crew bits and a barbarian's head. 

Second, I found a broken knight from a Privateer Press game, which I'd bought in a bunch of stuff ages ago. It was missing arms and a horse's head. I added a medieval head and used green stuff to make armour for the horse's neck, to fit the style of the body. The armour reminds me of bomb diffusal suits as much as medieval barding. The rider's arms came from an Atlantic Games "Grognard" soldier.

The paint job is somewhat menacing, in vaguely fascist-looking colours. I added a number to the horse's rear to suggest that this isn't a knight: it's Faceless Trooper 04, out to do evil.

And finally, a couple of female models that I've had for ages. The lady on the left was done in a cyberpunk style, and the woman on the right was painted in a dark blue business suit. They're not amazing castings, but they'd probably make decent random space people. They might be the quickest paint jobs I've ever done, including the plastic monopose termagants from last week.

More weirdness next time!

Sunday, 16 February 2025


There are many strange things in Rogue Trader, the ancient tome from which Warhammer 40,000 comes. Some have been elaborated in ever-more-excessive detail (space marines), others haven't changed much (imperial guard) and some have more or less disappeared. 

So, very briefly: zoats were great big tortoise/rhino/ogre centaur things that worked for the tyranids as elite troops and, weirdly, ambassadors. The tyranids produced hormones that made the zoats loyal, but every so often some zoats would break loose and usually ended up working as mercenaries. Famously, according to Rogue Trader, the zoats lived on "Zoatibix". 

There were four 40k zoat models: they all used the same lower body, which makes me wonder if they weren't very popular.

The zoats appeared in the first tyranid army list, which was published in White Dwarf. However, by the time the first codex appeared, they had disappeared. They got a sort of mention in a later codex, as "Colossi" who fought in the "Zoastra-Attila War" against mankind. A zoat appears in Blackstone Fortress, so they're clearly out there somewhere.

Anyhow, I like zoats. Perhaps it's that they're a bit like dinosaurs, or just that they're rather odd. I was very lucky and won an ebay auction for two zoats for a pretty reasonable price on ebay (they normally go for silly money). I painted the first one in a scheme reflecting the model shown in Rogue Trader.

There's loads of good detail on this model: just the two pistols are great sculpting. I was surprised and impressed by how crisp and neat this thing is. It's listed as being sculpted by the Citadel Design Team in the old blue catalogue, but I'd be interested to know who was involved. 

I also took the chance to paint up a few old plastic termagants. These models don't actually overlap with the zoats, but they've got a certain goofy charm.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Dire Avenger and Dark Reaper Exarchs

 Last year, I "finished" a squad of Eldar dire avengers. I wasn't terribly happy with them, as I felt that they could do with a bit of tidying and weren't quite "enough". I went back and neatened the painting a little. I also painted the "fins" on the sides of their guns bright red, to make them a bit more interesting to look at. I added three more basic soldiers to the unit. 

And this gave me the opportunity to paint the exarch for the unit. In true Warhammer style, you can tell that he's in charge because he's pointing at something and has a bigger hat than anyone else. Just in case there was any doubt, I put him on a larger base. I originally thought this was a slightly boring model, but I really came to like the miniature in the course of painting it. It's very stylish, like the rest of the old metal Eldar, and the balance between sleekness and detail is just right.

Here's the exarch.

And here's the whole squad, ready to do battle in rooms with high ceilings.

I also finished off a 2nd edition dark reaper exarch that I had lying around. This guy is a space elf who dresses like the grim reaper and hits people with a bolas made of crystal skulls. Strange to thing that there are people who take 40k seriously. Anyhow, I used the old 2nd edition trick of reversing the colour scheme: his unit are black with bone details, but he's bone with black details. Another really nice miniature. I used a very thin chestnut ink glaze to make his armour a bit more interesting.

That means that I've finished a squad of all the aspect warriors in the 2nd edition codex, with the exception of the Shining Spears. (I'm not counting them, because there are no pictures of them in the codex, and the models were a later conversion kit for the jetbikes.) Result! 

I'm not sure what I'll paint next. There are certainly more Eldar to do, but I recently won an ebay auction for two really obscure models that I've wanted for years. I've just got to figure out how to get all the paint off - it sticks between their scales...

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Bionic Ogryn

 Time for another space weirdo, except this one is a bit bigger. I had an old fantasy battle ogre bull lying around, painted thickly by someone else a long time ago. I'm not a big fan of the plastic ogres: I think they're fairly ugly models (and not in the right way), and they're quite boring, static miniatures. Not terribly inspiring.

So I chopped this guy up and turned him into a bionic 40k monster. He got a new leg, made out of an ork piston, plasticard, sprue and the dome from a Tau helmet. His left shoulder was a spare dreadnought claw, and the thing on his back is a faceplate left over from the knight armiger I made a little while ago. The pistol is a meltagun from the armiger, too. A bit of tank track functions as stomach armour. Lots of other little leftover bits add detail (ie I can't remember what they are).

The left arm came from an old sentinel. I think he's some kind of bodyguard or hired gun. I quite like models of this size: they can be modified quite easily, and will take a lot of extra detail. I painted him in the new way I've been painting metal, working up from dark brown, and used purple and red glazes on his skin to make him look unhealthy.

I reckon he explodes if you shoot the red button on his back. Perhaps I've been playing too many computer games. Next time, something a bit prettier.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Mechanics, hackers and a robot

 Well, I've just got back from the local gaming shop, and I'm surprised and slightly impressed to say that I didn't buy anything. Nothing really appealed. It's actually pretty hard to buy anything at all for less than £25 in a gaming shop. Some GW models are pretty cool and would be fun to make - the Kroot rampagers are appealing, as are the Adeptus Mechanicus Serberys raiders - but I'd only want to make one, and I'm not up for forking out for a squad of three. I wish the metal North Star models were sold more widely. 

Anyhow, here are some more miniatures that I painted this week. More space weirdos!

These first models are metal mechanics from Warmachine's Khador faction. Old Warmachine models are pretty variable, and many are downright ropey, but I really like these sculpts. They've got lots of character and great details.

These two scrawnier specimens are cyberpunk types. The lady is an unconverted metal miniature, probably quite old. I don't know the manufacturer. The man is based on a plastic zombie body (I'm not sure who makes it) with Stargrave arms and head.

These two are even more random. The bionic swordsman uses an English Civil War body, a 40k head, and Frostgrave demon arms. The robot is a 3D print that I got in a set of models. He's quite silly, but he was surprisingly easy to paint, and he will be a good match for the female robot that I painted a couple of months ago.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Oldhammer Ork Battlewagon Conversion (Or Something Like That)

Brace yourself, as this is going to be a long post!

A few years back, I went to a model show in Milton Keynes. At a table I found someone selling one of the most recent ork battlewagons for £10. It's not a miniature I've ever liked especially, and this particular model was absolutely wrecked, even by space ork standards: some parts were broken, others were missing, and a lot of the detail had been gunked up with plastic cement. However, these things retail for new at the outrageous price of £70, and this sorry example could be chopped up and used for other things. So I bought it.

And it stayed on a shelf for several years. Eventually, as part of my retro ork unit, I thought it would be nice to give the orks some kind of vehicle in which to commit their acts of cartoony piracy.

The original ork battlewagon dates back to 1990 and sells on ebay for about £200 - not money I'm willing to pay. I stumbled upon a guy selling a resin version, which was a slightly basic, rather chunky copy. I bought it off him, and decided to use some of the resin bits and some of the ruined plastic kit to make something a bit like the original 1990s battlewagon.


In order to get some ideas, and to get a better sense of the proportions of the old battlewagon, I bought several copies of White Dwarf that date back to 1990 or so: issues 128, 135 and 136. 

 I'm not going to go into much detail on this, and other people have done much better reviews of old White Dwarfs, but they really are extremely different to the current version. In fact, they're very different to White Dwarfs from twenty years ago. The early 90s WD is full of good stuff in a way that more recent versions aren't: there is virtually no filler at all.

For one thing, they don't just preview the upcoming ork army books: they give away big chunks of rules and points for different sorts of new unit. Issue 128 gives you templates, rules and instructions to convert your plastic battlewagon into a gun-wagon (you use a biro for the barrel). If that's not enough, issue 136 shows you how to make an ork tank from scratch, using absolutely no GW products whatsoever. And you get rules for it. 

Interestingly, some of the painting and converting is excellent, and some of it is very basic. White Dwarf seems to have been happy to field models painted in flat colours, without shading or highlighting, and is refreshingly honest about the need to do so when a game is coming up.

They really are magazines by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, without any of the waffle and hard sell of the later editions. No wonder I got into this hobby, and no wonder that I don't buy White Dwarf anymore. 

Anyhow, back to the tank. 


The old battlewagon is an odd model, clearly as much an influence on the modern ork trukk as the recent battlewagon kit. It is a cross between an armoured car, a dragster and a pickup truck, with three main parts: the boxy cockpit, the open area in the middle where the ork passengers go, and the engine at the rear. The wheels are massive and armoured, with little ground clearance. It doesn't have any mounted weapons: gunfire is provided by the mob of excitable passengers firing their weapons out of the back.

To make this vehicle, I used the big resin wheels from the ebay kit, along with the cab and the back part (the cargo area) of the plastic GW model. After a lot of thought, I decided to put the big wheels beside the cargo area and not behind it, as is the case in the original 1990s model. That would just make the battlewagon look weirdly long. Attaching the wheels was tricky and required pinning. I made spacers from those little plastic discs that plastic Mantic soldiers come on.

However, the battlewagon did need an engine, which had to be mounted at the rear. I found a set of Mantic terrain that I'd never assembled, which contained a cylindrical boiler thing. I added a load of additional parts to this, including an ork control panel, a gun from the Adeptus Mechanicus (now an exhaust) and a weird motor thing that came off a model tank.

Here's the boiler in place at the back of the battlewagon. You can see the huge resin wheels!

Of the two turrets, one was a complete mess, having been hacked off at a strange angle. I rebuilt it with clay and green stuff (only partially successfully) and put part of a Tau drone on top. It fitted very well. The other turret got a round piece of plastic, origin unknown, to act as a lid.

As the world of miniature painting seems to be getting more and more sepia and mud-coloured, I decided to paint this thing bright yellow. That meant undercoating it in pink and building up from there. I was worried that the combination of the yellow of the Bad Moons and the check patterns favoured by the orks would make it look like a taxi, but it seems that the old versions just didn't care about this, so I went ahead and used both.

If anyone's interested, I painted the metal in six stages: black undercoat; dark brown; drybrush of dark grey mixed 50:50 with boltgun metal; boltgun metal drybrush; and silver drybrush. Some areas were then washed with strong tone to make it look grubby. Someone once pointed out that ork vehicles would be greasy rather than rusty, as they're frequently used, so I followed that idea and didn't add any rust.

I painted a moon with sunglasses on top of one of the hatches, which I copied from a photo of a banner in one of the old White Dwarfs (Dwarves?). I also added some Jerrycans from an old tank kit, which were painted red for a bit of variety.

And here is the finished machine! I really like this thing. I feel that I ought to add more detailing, but to be honest I think less might be more here. It's not a perfect copy of the old miniature, but I think it captures much the same look, as if the old model evolved for the present.


Sunday, 12 January 2025

Fun With Space Orks!

 After last week's somewhat introspective post - thanks for your comments, guys - I decided to make some models that are both jolly and entirely lacking in self-awareness: old space orks.

I found an ancient tinboy model. Tinboys were robots that the orks built in mockery of their enemies: there were space marine, eldar and squat versions. This is the eldar one, which is why it's got a head shaped like a banana. Given that my warband has a vaguely Bad Moon feel, it had to have a yellow head. The blue on the body is like that of my craftworld. One of the arms fell off and had to be repositioned, but is still not very sturdy. I really enjoyed painting this!

Then we've got two plastic orks from the old set. They're not the best miniatures, to be honest. The weird crouching posture of the orks is very strong in these guys, and the ridged armour they wear (some kind of flak jackets?) isn't much good for detail or freehanding. 

However, to my surprise, the detail on the shouting ork head from the plastic set is excellent, especially for its time, and was a pleasure to paint. The ork carrying the rusty chest (a piece of loot) on his shoulders is a sort of conversion. His left hand, which is steadying the chest, had very little detail at all and looked like an over mitt, so I painted the fingers and claws on in freehand. A nice pair of low-lives to flesh out the squad.

And finally we've got a metal bloke with a shoulder-mounted flamer. This model was alright, but his weapon was surprisingly detailed. He was really difficult to photograph.

This isn't the whole unit, but it contains most of these scurvy dogs and freebooters. The more of these models I paint, the more I like them. I can see why GW chose to make its orks bigger and more bestial, but I think something was lost along the way. 

Monday, 6 January 2025

New year, new weird creature!

 And so we reach the start of another year. Here is the best miniature that I did in 2024:

In 2024, I did some of my favourite conversions and miniatures. I feel that I got steadily better and was able to put out things that I'd not really expected. I made more classic Eldar (including finishing the harlequins, which I'm pleased about), and had a lot of fun converting various weirdos for Stargrave and Silver Bayonet. I did two Mordheim gangs, which were fun projects. And yet...

I'm getting a bit tired. I am a member of the miniature-making and Oldhammer communities, I suppose, because I miniatures and some of them are old. But I don't feel part of any community, really. At times it feels as if I make another model, enjoy the process of doing so, and then put it away for good. It seems as though I'm just chucking stuff out there onto this blog and onto Instagram and then... that's it, really.

To be clear, I'm not holding myself out as either a great artist or someone who needs/wants/deserves any sort of "clout" in this hobby. I'm an acceptable painter and converter. But I'm starting to get the same feeling from this as I got from self-publishing three fantasy novels: nothing really changes. Blogs and communities don't organically grow anymore (if they ever did). A post that would have got one response two years ago still gets one response. Everything feels rather static.

The obvious answer is "join a gaming club, play some games", but I'm not sure about that. I've met enough powergamers and Space Marine fanboys to be put off playing against people I don't really know. There comes a point where the comedy genius of saying "Heresy!" all the time fades.

So I don't know what I'll do over the next year. I'd like to keep on making things, but I'd like to do something more. Whether that involves playing any games, I don't know. Perhaps I'll try to do some other form of art. We shall see.


Anyhow, here's my first model of 2025. I found a load of bits that, with some clay and green stuff, fitted together (sort of!). The body and legs come from a Warmachine Cryx model, the head is a GW plastic squig, the knight is a Perry Miniatures medieval knight, and the tail is just green stuff. Together, they made a weird stumpy animal somewhere between a chicken and a deep-sea fish. 

An instagram commenter suggested that it looked quite like one of Brian Froud's creatures for Labyrinth, which made me think that it needed a whimsical paint job. I started with a red body for the steed and steel armour, with some brass bits, but this felt a bit too sinister and chaos-like, so I introduced some green and blue to the scheme. I also made a little carrot out of green stuff to dangle from the end of the lance. I imagine this is how the rider gets his weird steed to move.