Monday, 22 May 2023

The Whole Eldar Scout Troop

 Since my last post, which feels like ages ago, I've started a few models and tidied up a few more, including a super metal Tyranid warrior from many ages past (more of him/her/it/that next time). 

I've also finished the Eldar scout squad. Once again, these models are excellent. The coats were a pleasure to paint, and they strike a good balance between being too plain and too fiddly. 

Back in the days, the standard weapon of the Eldar was the shuriken catapult, which for many years had a pathetic range of 12 inches, and was basically a waste of time. It seems strange for GW to have given their space elves a signature weapon that fires the distance of a sawn-off shotgun. Another reason to like the Eldar scouts is that their stealthy background and ability to shoot at long range reflects the stereotype of fantasy elves.

Anyhow, here they are. As before, I made the bases myself, to try to reflect ruins and the movement between wilderness and civilisation. The guy on the left is one of my favourite Eldar models, in his elegant coat and helmet. I painted the guy on the right's hair crimson/purple, to reflect some of the other squads in the army.

Here are two more. The guy with the power sword (I don't remember you being able to take a power sword under the rules) looks as if he should be their leader. I'm very fond of the other model on the right: he's just so low-key.

And here is the entire squad. I like these guys very much. The scouts are ready to go off into the wilds and earn their campfire-making and ork-shooting badges.


  1. This squad is so awesome! Love how the green and blue work together. The bases really tie them into what they do. Fantastic work on them!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad now that I didn't try anything fancy on their coats. I think the green works fine as it is. The bases were a challenge, but they've paid off. Cheers!

  2. They look glorious, this is pure old school love

    1. It's the best school! 90s Eldar are awesome. I'm glad you like them!

  3. Very good work.

    I really love this era of figures, and the guy with the twin laspistols is one of the best figures ever...

    1. Thanks! The scouts look particularly cool with their long coats. That particular guy is great - he'd made a good space pirate, too. The scouts are an especially good set of models from a good time and range.
