For a variety of tedious real-world reasons, I've not got all that much to post about here. I'm working on a second batch of old chaos marines, but even by my dubious standards they're a mess right now. I've also been thinking about building a Chaos tank, but again that's in a pretty rough state at the moment.
So here are two cultists for Frostgrave. They're pretty low down the chaotic hierarchy, and probably had to make their own bags to put over their heads. It's a hard life in the fallen city.
The first guy is a 40k chaos cultist, adapted to carry a Warhammer musket. That largely meant cutting off the cybernetic bits and bobs, trimming down his musket and filling in some gaps with Green Stuff. Here he is without paint.
And here's the finished version. I've gone for fairly muted colours, with a bit of bright red. I think the main colours of his warband will be red and green.
The second model was one I found on ebay. I literally typed in "random Warhammer" and this came up. It was the cheapest miniature in the whole search. I've no idea what game he's from - there was nothing written on the slotta-base tab - but he looks like a crazy, hunched plague doctor. (He also resembles Noseybonk, a terrifying character from a 1980s childrens' programme called Jigsaw.) Anyhow, he's a perfectly decent model, and will do fine as a seedy chaos thug.
Exciting update: The model on the left is actually a "cultist leader" from Black Cat Miniatures. Thanks to Willem-Jan Bertram from the 40k Converters Facebook group for this.
Friday, 26 July 2019
Thursday, 18 July 2019
Chaos Marines Rocking Out
Chaos Space Marines are like normal Space
Marines except much more metal. Paradoxically, they are now available in plastic. Ten
thousand years ago, the Chaos Marines were loyal to the Imperium and Bolt
Thrower were GW’s house band. However, the Chaos Legions were banished to the
Eye of Terror for liking heavy metal by the Emperor of Man, who is more into Wagner. Now they lurk in the warp, occasionally bursting out
to wreck things on behalf of the chaos gods and generally make the Imperium
less tedious.
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The stance of one about to rock |
I had some old chaos marine miniatures lying around and thought I'd give them a new lease of life. Some of these models were absolutely ancient: I can remember buying a set of them about 22 years ago in a toy shop in Berkhamsted, in South-East England. The others came from the next update, in 2004 or so.
They might be really old, but they're not classic. The older models don't have the ball joints of later marine legs, and have squashed, neckless heads built into their torsos. And of course they're small. On the other hand, I feel less bad about chopping them up...
This chap got the fly head off one of the very weird Killteam Rogue Trader villains.
I've never been much interested in the whole "making big marines" thing, but I did need to compensate for the general dinkiness of a few of them. So I cut the models across the thighs, inserted plasticard discs to lengthen the legs, and sanded them down and applied Green Stuff to hide the changes. A couple of models had discs added to their waists to make them taller, too.
Because I am an avant-garde artiste (and not because I'm lazy at all) I opted for a quick, slightly surreal paint job for most of the bodies: white armour washed with Strongtone, with rusted metal details. I decided to paint one area on each model a bold, different colour: partly because I'm an avant-garde artiste, and mainly to distract from the god-awful - sorry, impressionistic - painting on the rest of them.
This guy is the unit leader. Having a face that's basically just a huge mouth makes it easier to bellow orders. It does make it harder to see where you're going, of course, but what the heck.
This is Flyhead and his friend Leggy, who has the legs of an old plastic genestealer.
And here's a delightful fellow with the head of a Nurgle plaguebearer - painted red, for no real reason - and a bloke with a stomach made from a fantasy breastplate and an unwholesome tube made out of wire. They were based on some resin bases that I found on Ebay.
I'm mot sure what to make of them, really. I think the white armour sort-of works, in that it's not realistic but it covers the models and draws attention to the interesting bits. I'll do a few more and see how it goes from there.
Monday, 8 July 2019
Glottkin Titan: Jam for the Jam Gods
I've always been interested by Warhammer's Glottkin model. It's a fantasy miniature, made for the End Times campaign, and features a massive Nurgle chap being ridden by two Nurgle champions, a wizard and a fighter. As with a lot of Nurgle models, I'm not that sold on it. However, it's always seemed to have a lot of conversion potential.
In particular, the left arm seems too big and the right arm feels too small, even for a gun. And it's always been much too expensive for me. However, when I saw a rather battered Glottkin on Ebay for a reasonable amount, I bought it and got to work.
I hacked off the weird mouth-lamprey-thing from his right arm, which I intended to use as the mount for a thermal cannon left over from my knight titan. Then, having made a good start, I chopped off his left arm and shoved it up his bum. The join was covered with DAS clay and green stuff, and the big tentacle made a nice tail. And by nice, I mean revolting.
Then it was time for a bit of an experiment. I'd seen the new GW contrast paints as a good way of covering large areas. The Glottkin is big and very warty, which would hopefully be good for the paint to take hold. So I sprayed him white and got to work with a pot of Blood Angel Red.
Hmm, not bad, if a bit like strawberry jam. Obviously, it'll need some extra work, but the basic effect is quite "nice", by which I mean that he looks like the rotting love-child of an Imperial Knight and a randy squig.
He then got a gun emplacement on his back, again courtesy of the knight kit. This bit is an icarus autocannon.
Here's a rather washed-out picture of current progress, together with a delightful pink stomach. This is what happens when the chaos gods make jelly!
In particular, the left arm seems too big and the right arm feels too small, even for a gun. And it's always been much too expensive for me. However, when I saw a rather battered Glottkin on Ebay for a reasonable amount, I bought it and got to work.
I hacked off the weird mouth-lamprey-thing from his right arm, which I intended to use as the mount for a thermal cannon left over from my knight titan. Then, having made a good start, I chopped off his left arm and shoved it up his bum. The join was covered with DAS clay and green stuff, and the big tentacle made a nice tail. And by nice, I mean revolting.
Then it was time for a bit of an experiment. I'd seen the new GW contrast paints as a good way of covering large areas. The Glottkin is big and very warty, which would hopefully be good for the paint to take hold. So I sprayed him white and got to work with a pot of Blood Angel Red.
Hmm, not bad, if a bit like strawberry jam. Obviously, it'll need some extra work, but the basic effect is quite "nice", by which I mean that he looks like the rotting love-child of an Imperial Knight and a randy squig.
He then got a gun emplacement on his back, again courtesy of the knight kit. This bit is an icarus autocannon.
Here's a rather washed-out picture of current progress, together with a delightful pink stomach. This is what happens when the chaos gods make jelly!
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