Tuesday 13 August 2024

From 40k Inquisitor to Fantasy Vampire


A while ago, the local gaming shop was getting rid of some back-issues of that Warhammer magazine where you slowly built an army. On the front was the Inquisitor Kyria Draxus model, for "only" £10. I bought it, not really knowing what I'd do with the miniature. 

I think it's one of those models that has lots of cool details and doesn't really come together as a whole very well. The little dragon, the cloak, the smooth armour and the skull on her shoulder all look nice, but it's a bit "bitty" and the position is a tad odd. So, I chopped it up. The head, skull and arms were replaced.

The new arms are very old plastic Mordheim bits. The new head came from a Sister of Battle that I used as the leader of my Sisters of Sigmar warband a while ago. It's got a strange, old-fashioned look. I filed down and covered some of the sci-fi bits of her armour. I felt that it needed a bit to balance out the big halberd, so I added a screaming head from some kind of chaos warrior. Having long hair in Warhammerland is a really bad idea, because people will inevitably use it to hold up your severed head.

And then I added paint. A dark red and purple scheme felt suitably vampiric, but that can look a bit bland, so I tried to incorporate a few bits of lighter colour.

Most of the undead are not very picky about who or what they drain of blood. However, the smarter ones tend to know not to get high on their own supply of peasants. In fact, some vampire nobles are quite protective of their flocks. Here we see Katerina von Augen, displaying the severed head of the chaos warlord Gruffwulf Ruffguff at the third battle of the River Plog.

I also painted a Supernatural Veteran for the good people of Silver Bayonet. This guy started off as an explorer from their Egyptian supplement, which is why he had an odd head-dress under his top hat - presumably to keep the sun off. That looked a bit weird in a rainy hellhole like Blognia, so I sculpted long hair over the top of it. And then the hair looked like dreadlocks, so I gave him darker skin. 

While fighting the living dead is not a very appealing prospect for most people, fighting the living dead for money is very appealing to a few. As a result, men of learning - some of it pretty arcane - have flocked to Blognia in search of revenants and cash. One such traveller is Jean le Beaucourt, swordsman, occultist and millinery connoisseur. 


  1. Oh my! That's quite an improvement! I totally agree on your ideas of the original mini, but you certainly made an impressive job out of it!

    1. Thanks! Now I just have to decide who gets to keep the little dragon bit. I think it would look nice on an eldar...
