Sunday, 9 March 2025

Hideous Chaos Terminator Snake Eel Spawn Thing

 I've been dipping into the huge pile of unpainted miniatures this week, and I've started all sorts of random things. I've got another couple of armoured eldar guardians on the go, a couple of fancy space marines of the Shining Knights chapter, and a thug with a shotgun that I can barely identify.

But none of these are finished, so instead let's turn to PLEASURES OF THE FLESH. By which I mean chaos marines, influenced by the sinister god Slaanesh. This week, Games Workshop released new models for the Emperor's Children, the debauched minions of the pleasure god. This reminded me to get on with a miniature that I've had lying about for ages: I had the concept in my mind, found the relevant pieces, and then did nothing. Until now.

I thought it would be cool to make a terminator marine with the lower body of a snake, a sort of hideous fleshy worm-man. It's probably quicker if I do a list of the bits:

Head - chaos spawn

Left arm - fantasy ghoul

Right arm - Space Wolves heavy flamer with a chaos knight shoulder pad

Front body - chaos terminator

Rear body - multi-melta left over from a plastic dreanought

Lower body/tail - tyranid ravener, with a chaos tank part on the end of the tail.

That's most of it. The great advantage with all this is that I didn't need to buy any terminators. Here's the work in progress.

I think "busy" is a fair descruption. Here he is with paint. I cut the spines off his back, to make him look sleeker and less like a tyranid, and added a sort of sock thing to his tail.

I've just realised that I didn't finish off his shoulder pad, so apologies for that. I'm quite tired of painting pink flesh now. He looks as if he could join Gwar.

Here is the delightful snake-creature with his other terminator friends, most of whom include an absolute minimum of terminator parts. I painted them a few years ago, so they're not quite up to my current standards, but together they make a suitably weird and spiky unit. 

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