Sunday 8 September 2024

Big Hats For Mordheim

 Here are a few more explorers for the Mordheim Marienburg warband. 

This guy is the leader of the group. He's made of Empire militia and pistolier bits. His left leg was converted to make him run.

"Follow my feather!"

This chap is a sergeant. He's made of militia parts, with a pistolier head and a cannon loader's arm. 

"Rally around my hat!"

These are two youngbloods, scummy youths who fill up the ranks and get in the way of bullets meant for more important people.

The bloke has the lower legs of the running man in the Warhammer giant kit, and an upper body from a plastic flagellant. His arms are from the militia kit and a Stargrave head.

The girl has a lower body from the same flagellant, a breastplate from the pistoliers, arms from Frostgrave and a head left over from a Wrath of Kings kit. Quite a lot of green stuff was used to make her skirt and boots.


  1. Love the dynamic conversions! Also well done on the checkers! I've always struggled to do them, especially on fabric!

    1. Thanks - painting all those harlequins has got me used to doing lots of (fairly) straight lines. The trick with painting checks on fabric is to make sure the big flat bits look right and to blame any mistakes on folds etc!

  2. Amazing! As I was looking at the pics I was precisely thinking of your Harlequins and how all that work paid off here too!

    1. Cheers! I might as well put my experience to some use, I suppose!
