Sunday 8 October 2023

A Spaceship and Two Sandworms

 I've managed to do something other than just paint more Stargrave people this week. Instead, I had a go at sprucing up a Mantic spaceship that I bought ages ago in a sale. It's not an incredibly detailed model, but it does pretty much what it's meant to do. It was originally sprayed white over grey plastic. A lot of the painting was weathering and dirtying the thing.

Perhaps photographing it against a white background wasn't a brilliant idea...

I also painted two sandworm-like creatures that I got in a couple of sales. They're identical miniatures, made by Privateer Press for Warmachine (or possibly Hordes). I thought they'd make good big alien beasts for Stargrave (assuming that I ever stop painting for long enough to play it). I painted them bright red, as they fit in quite well with the visual style of the retro tyranids that I've been making.


If you like Mordheim or Assassin's Creed, check out my Dark Renaissance novels HERE


  1. The ship is definitely ace, I love that model and I thik you made an amazing job. The same goes for the snakes, they look so menacing! I love them!

    1. Thanks! I find that Privateer Press models can be very hit and miss, but they do have some really cool sculpts.
