Monday 23 September 2024

Veskit Executioner Mark 2 - a skaven hero for Mordheim

Time for  another mangy skaven! A while ago I made a conversion of a Mordheim character called Veskit the Executioner, who is a hero that the skaven can hire. Veskit is a bionic skaven, with a lot of mechanical adaptations, who is as close to the Terminator as a giant medieval rat can get.

I thought it would be cool to make a(nother) miniature of this horrid creature. I decided to base him on one of the Vyrkos Blood-Born models from the Warhammer Quest game, who is crouching ominously on a ruined pillar (which sounds like the sort of thing people do in Mordheim). The basic model looks like this:

I removed the whole right arm and the head. I replaced the head with a skaven one (unsurprisingly!) and his left arm with one from a Necron warrior. I had an arm from a plastic arco-flagellant, and replaced a chunk of Veskit's left leg with an ornate mechanical bit from the arm. I expect it's a piece that Veskit's bosses just wanted to improve.

His tail was a resin bit that I've had for ages, with a Chaos Warrior's spike on the tip. It balances the model out and reminds me of the Alien. Then I added a lot of extra bits and bobs, to represent his many bionic "improvements". He got a bionic eye, a tube on his back that contains fuel, a wire running from his head to his back, and a plasticard brace on his lower left leg. Any messes were covered with fur sculpted from green stuff.

Suitably manky, I think. I painted him in a similar way to last week's rat ogre, using a red basecoat for the flesh and thinned crimson and purple washes. The metal was painted to look rusty and old. I painted the container on his back to look as if it's a glass tube containing some kind of nasty liquid, which presumably fuels him.

That's enough raw flesh for now. I think something different is called for!


  1. What a superb conversion, love the tail and that leg especially!

    1. Thanks very much! The leg was one of those moments that just seem to work!

  2. This is so inspiring! Awesome work indeed!
